Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bright blessings to one and all as we begin 2019, with hopes for a future filled with the promise of better times.  What better way to ring in the new year with new information!  Microsoft will be retiring its Virtual Academy starting January 31, 2019.  However, they've pushed their efforts to this new one:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/   I've only just looked at it, but so far there's a module to learn azure for free.....and learning and learning for free is awesome!  Check it out when you have time, and throughout the year I will post more free learning links!


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Final reprint moving my g+ to my blog

A rant from me (I know...imagine that, but its NOT what you might be thinking!)

What a week! So many posts from me ....but I had a lot of weeks of no posts to make up for!

So, as I was going through some stuff this week, trying to get some programs to work and stuff...it dawned on me how MUCH money I've spent on certain "toys" for my virtual creations and enjoyment...

Now, the following list of things that all...ALL had "lifetime" updates/upgrades etc when I purchased them....and I'm not dead yet...(much as some might wish I were lol)

Sam Broadcaster
Filter Forge
One of the magazine/book maker things in SL
Land Tier Sales prices in Digiworldz

With the exception of Filter Forge and my Land Tier in DIgiworldz, each and everyone of the above has managed to find a way to screw over the people whom bought into the lifetime commitment...

As technology or their own skills...improved..they changed the name of the product and launched the new version....

See, their thinking (as was explained to me in the case of the book thing in SL), was that they made the product sooo much better now that it wasn't the same so the lifetime commitment no longer applied cuz it was better than what I purchased originally....

Ok, lets think about this for a moment.

Ready for me to continue? Good. I handed over money based on "lifetime"....i was gambling on the fact that improvements would be made and I would reap the benefit of it over the course of the lifetime......

Instead...I was sold a rat when I thought I was buying a dog.....

The good news? When I purchased Filter Forge it was at 4.0, its now at 7.0 and I STILL get my updates/upgrades....amazing!

Digiworldz...when i bought my first First Land it was 10 usd for a standard 15k prim...i Still only have to pay that, even tho that deal is gone, my buy 1 get one free VARs that were (then) 20 usd yep..only pay 20 usd for the one, the other still free...that was 2 years ago...

SO...as with most things in life, even IF the contractual agreement is LIFETIME...its buyer beware...and thats really a shame when companies treat their products the way some people treat love....its only good until something better comes along...

Reprint of G+ post

Why I love Opensim part (well I've lost count...)

Standing here on my home sim in Digiworldz I was playing with my new WeatherMaster by TR Lifter. As the storm clouds appeared overhead and the rain started I realized all over again how fortunate I am to have found my way to this community, not just Digiworldz but Opensim.

I was checking out the options to program the station (oh yes..sooo cool..i can have different weather on different parts of my region, and all set to cycle through various weather conditions!). And i got curious, so I checked out the MP for that big grid, and saw a similar system aaaaand just about stroked out when I saw the price tag on it....if I did the math right (and hard to say with the fluctuation in lindens..) but as near as i could figure it was approximately $400.00 usd. !!!!!

For many that is about five years worth of tier payments for our regions in Digiworldz alone, a little lower, a little higher for other OS grids!

Now, I did not pay anything close to that amount, because people in Opensim are not greedy (for the most part). We have people who make and give away awesome content such as Satyr Aeon, Shin Ingen, Fred, Linda Kellie and less well known creators who make stuff to give away and also sell. I fully support both creator types, I see nothing wrong with someone wanting to make enough money to pay their tiers in opensim after all.

Additionally, one has to remember that many of our opensim creators use full perm templates that they had to buy. Without them we would have been running around in some really ugly red pants... Now those templates (be they mesh or system) usually have a license restriction that creators MUST charge a certain amount for the clothes when they sell them. Supporting these creators is only fair to them as well, they've put out rl money in order to bring us those items that make us look and feel better with our avi's.

But I digress....Opensim allows us soo much freedom. The freedom to learn, to create (without ridiculous costs ...such as upload fees), to be just social as the prices are so affordable on just about every grid that if one doesn't need to earn one's tier one doesn't have to!

Support Opensim and Opensim content creators!

Yet another Reprint of my G+ Account

The continuing story of life in virtual and why I love opensim!

Sorry, its been a long time! However, facing one’s constant newbness isn’t always easy! For instance…I just recently learned there’s a little + sign in people’s profiles that you can use to invite them to groups with! Who knew??!!!!! Yes..I have been doing it the long way this whole time!....SO…guess I’m just one of those perpetual newbs lol…and I’m ok with that.
Speaking of newb…its time we revisited my attempts at making sculpts. Many of you will remember the wonders of having sculpts, cutting down on our prim usage with them (and yes visiting places that went overboard with sculpts and waiting forever to have the little bubbles turn into builds!). I am one of those people who found Blender to be…challenging shall we say? My first couple of years trying to make something in blender resulted mostly in lots of things with lots of extrusions and no discernible shape or logic or reason….
Then one day….eureka! (I thought) and I made SOMETHING! (oh and btw..that one day was about 5 years after I first tried to learn blender….hey I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer!).
I was soo excited! I had this vision of what I wanted it to be and I pushed and pulled and twisted and what not!
Then I very carefully made my sculptie map.
Uploaded it into the grid I was in at the time.
Rezzed a prim.
Applied the sculpt map!
Aaaaaaand…got something that was almost completely, but not totally, unrecognizable as anything……
Well, after some sizing inworld…I was able to turn it into what could be considered a fruitbowl. Further sizing turned it into something that could be considered a vase.
And I didn’t touch blender again.
Well, til mesh came out….
So, just over the weekend I created a highwaisted, pencil skirt. I didn’t use Marvelous Designer, I didn’t use a full perm creation template.
I made it completely old school.
And..it is recognizable as a skirt!

Its pretty basic, and it won’t win any awards for high fashion, and it won’t get any “oooohs and aaahhhs” when people see it. Some of you might even roll your eyes at it…but you see its not that I made it for you, its not that I made it for me…its that I made it at all…..kind of miraculous.
I’ve attached a picture of it (with a top made by a friend of mine and shoes by another and of course Ruth 2.0 body by Shin).

So, maybe just maybe I dressed it up a little bit so you all wouldn’t see how its lacking ;p. My hope is that it encourages others who might be thinking “I can’t do that” or “this is not good enough” to not be so critical of themselves and their creations. We all start somewhere and if we keep at it we learn and grow.
And if I never make another mesh clothing item again that looks at least this good, well I’m ok with that.

Reprint of my G+ post

News from the Star Front!
What a long journey back to my home base to bring you this news of my travels! It all started out relatively uneventful. The kind astronavigators at Kea Space gave me a lift to the Space Café where I would catch my next ride out to the Perain Exclusion Zone to join up with Starfleet to report the latest news from them.
Travelling with the Admiral and Commander Rain is always a pleasure as they make sure to route us past some interesting features, sadly many of the pictures I took did not survive the trip back, but at least I was able to bring you some! Additionally, the Admiral always seems to have a bottle of Old Earth Chivas Regal on hand…and I’ve learned to not be too concerned that he drinks straight from it while piloting us through the star systems. One of the many interesting things we saw was a sun in full solar flare glory, it was an astounding sight, though the Admiral’s desire to play “chicken” with the flares was a bit knucklebiting. Commander Rain seemed to take it all in stride though and never once lost her calm demeanor. A big thank you to them for their constant support and assistance in transporting me around the galaxy!
At the space station I was picked up by a StarFleet cruiser and enjoyed time in their Mess Hall and Observation deck as we made our way to the final leg of our journey. We got to the exclusion zone in time for some action! Following is the report from the StarFleet logs:
Starfleet vessel arrested a freighter inside the Perain exclusion-zone

Starfleet-News-Service reports, that a federation vessel arrested a freighter, which intruded

the Perain exclusion-zone without any callsign or transponder-code.

Remember: The zone was establish, to prevent an outbreak of the plant disease from the planet

Perain-3 to the nearby space-sector.

A spokesman of the SNS informed us, that the USS Davy-Crockett ordered the freighter to change

course before it intruded the exclusion-zone. As the foreign ship kept on course the commanding

officer, Captain Daecalad Brogdram, ordered to open fire to disable their engine.

The crew of the freighter used an escape shuttle and escape into open space. The security-team

of the Davy-Crockett found different contraband and also slaves in cryostasis aboard.

Starfleet-Sector-Command at New-Vinland confiscated the freighter, destroyed the contrabands and

send the slave to a federal medical facility for their rehabilitation. After this we will

welcome them as free new citizen at the New Vinland Colony.

The origin of the freighter is still unknown.

Cpt. D.S. Brôgdram
CO U.S.S. Davy-Crockett
CA New Vinland Colony (Digiworldz)

It was all quite exciting and the bare words do not reflect all the hustle and bustle of the crew as they heroically captured this vessel and not only confiscated potentially dangerous plants but also freed those beings that were in transport as slaves!
Needless to say, StarFleet was quite busy with wrapping all that up and didn’t have anyone available to escort me back home. I made the decision to try the new “matter-mitter” and get beamed home. That’s where it all went wrong…

I am told they had to hold my consciousness in stasis while they waited for Dr Shin Ingen, pioneer in the field of ExoDermal PsuedoBiological Protoplasm Containment and creator of the full body transplant, to be available to put me back together. I’m now sporting something he calls the Ruth 2.O body…it took a bit of getting used to, but it was rather better than my original body .

So, that’s why it’s taken so long to get the news out to you! (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it)

Reprint of my G+ post

On my way to visit Starfleet I stopped off to see how the Kea Space Station was progressing. What a treat to see the crew towing the various pieces of machinery and building supplies through space! The space station itself is a huge ovoid that sits majestically amongst the stars waiting patiently for the galaxy of visitors to come by.

Standing at the helm, staring out into the vastness of space, one gets such a feeling of awe and inspiration. The twinkling of the far off planets make a delightful backdrop for the shuttles as they cruise about tending to their business, I cannot wait for my next visit to see
how they've progressed and eagerly await news.

For now though, I must continue my journey and forge onward to StarFleet. and rendezvous with the USS Davy Crocket, I was given information that they were on their way to a planet suffering a strange malady.

Having safely arrived at the USS Davy Crockett I was asked to stay on board while the away team investigated, when they came back they allowed me to see their report, and share it with you! Here then is their report:

Starfleet investigates strange plant disease at Perain-System.

Starfleet News Service reports, that the Benta-Re Leadership requested assistance to investigate a strange plant disease at their farmstead colonies at Perain-System.
The Perain Sun-System is 13 LY away from our world. The Benta-Re are a reclusive species that live two sectors away from the New-Vinland Colony.
"To show our good will, Sector Command at New Vinland agreed to send out a scientific vessel. The USS Davy-Crockett already establish a research
site and start investigations.", a spokesman of the SNS informs us. "It is really strange. The planet has a very high index on the bio-mass-index.
The continents are covered by dense jungle and swamp. We find out that only foreign planted crops suffer from this disease. The native fauna is not affected."
At the moment, there is no evidence that this disease affected other colonies and settlements, like our own home. But to reduce the risk we establish an exclusion-zone till we find a solution for the problem out there."

We keep you informed here.

Cpt. D.S. Brôgdram (Selenmoira Resident)
CO U.S.S. Davy-Crockett
CA New Vinland Colony (Digiworldz)

Reprint from my G+ Account

Some friends and I had a little fun and i video'd it for everyone to see. To check any of the places out hg over to login.digiworldz.com:8002

and bring up the map and type in the regions: Digiland, Pangea, Immersion One, Morning Angel (for Kea Nation)!
Want to make an acct and join us in digi? http://digiworldz.com/store/aff.php?aff=15